When I was a child, I enjoyed expressing myself through drawing, storytelling, and making things. I’ve heard it said many times that the seeds of a person’s calling are planted in their childhood. It was true for me, since I discovered over time that creativity was at the heart of the most fulfilling things I often did. Creative expression has helped me feel joyful and free, overcome personal challenges, develop my intuition, and find a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
I first became inspired to coach others when I collaborated with children on individual projects of their choice. Each child’s creativity seemed powerful and magical. Their imagination and creative impulse was ingenious to me, that is, expressed the “genius within” them.
I believe that our childhood ingenuity doesn’t end when we become adults. However, as adults we may have become disconnected from our original ease in creating. Let me tell you that adults can reconnect and go even deeper into their imagination than children.
My purpose in doing creativity coaching is to help people re-access their vast imaginative abilities, reconnect with deeper creative passion and drive, and develop a renewed sense of purpose. When I invite them to experience a feeling connection to their personal imagery, they can also experience a deep sense of meaning. When I provide them with opportunities to tap their innate resources for generating ideas, they can get “unstuck”. And when I encourage confidence in their unique voice and vision, they can recover a sense of aliveness in their creativity that can be both very exciting and very powerful.
My interdisciplinary background in creativity coaching, counseling, teaching, dream work, painting and drawing, art history, storytelling, literature, writing, and building community enables me to foster personal and professional creative development. I also have extensive training in how to access a “flow” of energized images which some call a “living dream”, that can be put it into form.